5 -8年级课程
Programming and Camps for Middle-School Students

课外营地-上升的5 -9年级

圣依纳爵学院预科 has over 80 different student clubs and organizations.  These groups provide a vibrant, diverse, and enriching co-curricular environment for our students.  Get a taste of the incredible opportunities available for students by joining an afternoon Co-Curricular Camp with the Wolfpack!  

Each Co-Curricular Camp is run by an Ignatius Club Moderator and allows students entering 5th through 8th grade and incoming Ignatius Freshmen an opportunity to experience student life outside of the classroom at Saint Ignatius.  典型的露营时间是下午12:30到2:30.

Unless otherwise noted, Co-Curricular Camps are $140 for one week.  Details are included in the camp descriptions and on the 8to18 registration portal.


  • Chess Camp

    Join the award-winning Saint Ignatius Chess Coach Hector Hernandez during this one week chess camp and workshop.  Learn strategy, enjoy some friendly competition, and make friends!  Chess camp participants will also meet and learn from current and former Ignatius Chess champions. 

    Cost: $140

    Dates: TBD
  • 丑角剧团夏季音乐剧集训

    加入丑角团, 圣依纳爵学院预备学院的戏剧团, for two weeks in creating Disney's Finding Nemo, Jr, 根据经典动画改编.  The two-week intensive theater program will culminate in a performance for family and friends. 日期待定.
    The production will be fully-staged and feature the Harlequins’ signature stellar production elements- costume, scenery, lights and props- designed by award-winning Chicago professionals. Students will work with Harlequins’ professionals, 以及伊格那丢的学生, 打造一流的音乐剧. 在创作过程中, 学生将学习音乐, 舞蹈和对话, while being introduced to the performing arts at 圣依纳爵学院预科. This camp is open to rising 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade students. 营会于下午12:30至4:30举行.

    性能: Dates: TBD at 5:30 pm in the McLaughlin Theatre (Tickets, $5 each)

    Cost: $700

    Dates: TBD
    五至九年级: Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • 模拟联合国营

    Join our amazing Model UN team for a summer camp! This camp will provide students the opportunity to learn about the exciting and engaging world of Model United Nations. Students will learn the basics of Model UN and participate in simulations of UN committees such as the General Assembly, 安理会, International Atomic Energy Agency and World Health Organization. 学生将学习如何研究, 撰写意见书, 遵循议会程序, 发表演讲, and negotiate on behalf of the country they are assigned to represent.

    Where: 250s classrooms in main school building

    Dates: TBD
  • 机器人营

    Robotics Teacher Matt Dowling will host one-week 机器人营s for students interested in learning to program Lego Robots.  Students will learn basic programming language skills, 搭建乐高机器人, and run their Robot through challenge courses by the end of the week.

    Cost: $140

    机器人营 runs for each week of the six-week summer programming, dates: TBD
    五至九年级: Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • WolfByte FIRST机器人竞赛营

    WolfByte Robotics mentors Brandon Stein and Dorian Flowers will host a six-week FIRST Robotics Competition Camp for students interested in joining a FIRST机器人竞赛团队.  学生将会得到一个介绍 FIRST 2023年的比赛, learn skills in Computer Aided Design (CAD), construction, electrical, and coding.  Students will build a robot and have a chance to compete in matches against other robots.
    Previous experience in FIRST Lego League or 圣依纳爵学院预科 Robotics Camp is preferred but not required.
    Where: WolfByte robotics build space - 1100 S May Street, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL
    Cost: $700
    WolfByte FIRST机器人竞赛营 runs for the six week summer program
    Dates: TBD
    Grades 7-12; Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • 狼群媒体营-电影和纪录片

    Have you ever wanted to create a film or documentary?  你对它是怎么做的感兴趣吗?  如果是这样,那么这就是你的营地!  在这个阵营里, 学生将跟随电影制作过程, from story boarding to equipment setup to filming to acting.  Students will work together to create a short film on a topic of their choice.  不需要经验.

    Where: Students will meet in Tully Hall and move to the 狼群媒体 studio
    Cost: $140

    Dates: TBD
    Grades 7-9: Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • 狼群媒体营-体育媒体

    Have you ever watched a live sporting event and thought to yourself, "Hey, I could do that!"?  如果是这样,这就是你的营地!  Students will go through the process of planning a sports broadcast event, 从初始到生产.  They will learn what it takes to cover a sporting event and will actually try it out with the various sports practices occurring on campus.  Students will learn how to use various pieces of media equipment like cameras and microphones, 和平衡环, and will get to experience sports commentary in action.  不需要经验.

    Where: Students will meet in Tully Hall and move to the 狼群媒体 studio
    Cost: $140

    Dates: TBD
    Grades 7-9: Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • 狼群媒体营-电视广播

    Have you ever watched the news or live tv and wondered how it's made?  如果是这样,这个夏令营是为你准备的!  Students will go through the process of creating a television style newscast, 从初始到生产.  They will create the elements of the newscast, learn how to use various pieces of media equipment like lights, cameras, 和提示器, and will get to experience performing on a camera.  不需要经验.

    Where: Students will meet in Tully Hall and move to the 狼群媒体 studio
    Cost: $140

    Dates: TBD
    Grades 7-9: Camp runs from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm


圣依纳爵学院预科, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, 服务与领导.