对增长持开放态度 by reading; by participating in workshops, 研讨会, conventions and the like; by enthusiastically participating in the school's staff development and school improvement efforts; and by continually refining/expanding their instructional, 人际关系与部级技能.
精神生活 by regularly praying and participating in liturgies; by participating in retreats and/or spiritual direction; and by doing spiritual reading.
爱的能力 by always showing respect and concern for others; by working cooperatively and collaboratively with others; and by volunteering to help the school keep all of its co-curricular programs and activities staffed.
致力于为他人服务的正义 by clearly communicating and upholding high expectations for student 学习 and appropriate behavior; by consistently and fairly enforcing the school's rules; and by openly supporting the school's service 学习 program.